Reign crowdfunding preparations move forward apace, and it’s time for another preview!
As we mentioned in the last update, Reign 2E is going to be broken out into two books. The first book is Reign: Rules, covering what you need to actually run your game of Reign. We’re calling the second book Reign: Realms, and that’s where the game’s settings come in. In addition to the original core setting, this book encompasses all the alternate setting material that Greg generated after the first edition was published.
We’ll get more deeply into the nuts and bolts of the settings presented in an upcoming update. Today we wanted to show off the cover for Reign: Realms. Once again, we decided to stick with Daniel Solis‘ original background texture, and just shifted the color to a new hue. Once again, we enlisted the incredibly talented Alyssa McCarthy, who painted up a selection of the characters from the different cultures. As with the Reign: Rules book, we couldn’t be more pleased with the result. Check it out below!