
Celtic Double-Cross (2018)

St. Patrick may have driven the snakes out of Ireland in days of yore, but in the world after Serpentfall, not even the Emerald Isle is safe. Race against Communist agents and battle the horrifying creatures of Serpent-tainted Ireland in a desperate search for the Book of Kells in the half-submerged ruins of Dublin. But finding the Book is only half the challenge. Escaping alive is the other.

Explore the shattered remains St. Patrick’s land in this harrowing adventure for The Day After Ragnarok by Dain Lybarger.

One Sheets

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Hollerin’ Pines
By H.M. “Dain” Lybarger
Wheels-Up Landing
By H.M. “Dain” Lybarger
Any Port in a Storm
By H.M. “Dain” Lybarger
The heroes visit a quiet
town—where something
nasty is brewing
below the surface…
Any landing you
walk away from is
a good one…right?  
Pursued by a Japanese
commerce raider in
the Coral Sea,
a small island seems
like a welcome refuge…
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Raise A Glass
By WJ MacGuffin
Something Fishy
By Mitch Williams
The Fire Down Below
By Paul Stefko
A town in the Poisoned
Lands has found a way
to protect themselves.
But at what cost?
Discover the secrets
a Japanese island base
holds before a volcano’s
wrath consumes it!
Survive flames and toxic
gas to help evacuate
a town…but beware
the fire down below! 
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Song of the Siren
By Moe Lane
Hide and Seek
By Mitch Williams
Race for the Jade Scroll
By Keaton &
Kennon Bauman
Can the heroes survive
an encounter with
les Sirenes Grande?
Can the heroes help a
friend win a very strange
game of hide and seek?!  
Race through the streets
of Hong Kong, in pursuit
of a strange inheritance!
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Yamashita’s Legacy
By Michael Chumbler
What the Tide
Brought In
By Michael Tousignant
 Long Red Shadows
By Jason Painter
2018 2018 2018
Dark Depot
By Joe Weinmunson